Pak Army Regiment Bannu Cant
Pak Army 67 FF Regiment Bannu Cant
Pak Army 67 FF Regiment Bannu Cant Jobs 2022 was published on 21.12.2022.
Pak Army 67 FF Regiment Bannu Cant has offered you a job post as a Civil mess waiter and Gardener.
Plain paper written applications are sent to the following address.
Everyone Submits their application with the complete information mentioned.
In the Form until the last date. People with middle qualifications can apply. Incomplete
Applications will not be accepted. People with high school diplomas are also welcome to
Job Location Pak Army 67 FF Regiment Bannu Cant, Pakistan
Job Category Government
Job Type Full-Time
Education Middle, Matric
Quota Bannu Cant
Vacant Position
Civil Mess Waiter (BPS-01)
No of Post 01
Qualification Middle, Matric
Age Limit 18-30 Years
Nationality Pakistan
Department Pak Army 67 FF Regiment Bannu Cant, Pakistan
Gardner (BPS-01)
No of Post 01
Qualification Middle, Matric
Age Limit 18-30 Years
Nationality Pakistan
Department Pak Army 67 FF Regiment Bannu Cant, Pakistan
Apply Procedure / Terms and Conditions
Send the completed applications in plain paper to the following address.
You must write your full address and contact number on the application.
Attested copies of certificates.
It must be attached to the application.
Notification will be made over the phone for tests and interviews.
Submissions must be on time to be considered.
No TA/DA will be given to the candidates for tests and interviews.
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